Each month, we’ll be highlighting an inspiring project illustrating local initiatives to revitalize and embrace the ecological transition. Welcome to our “Cities on the Move” series. Here’s episode 1!

Urban revitalization in Questembert

As part of the PVD (Little Cities of the Future) program, setec organisation works with local authorities comprising towns of less than 20,000 inhabitants. We help them define their territorial projects and revitalize their towns. For the town of Questembert, in partnership with Questembert Communauté, Banque des Territoires (Groupe Caisse des Dépôts) commissioned setec organisation to provide “Project Management Support”.

Project objectives

The aim is to support the local authority in defining and implementing a territorial project. This project will deepen the reflection initiated during a study dedicated to the elaboration of a general guide plan by a programming mission dedicated to the Questembert town hall area.

Consolidating an overall vision

For Questembert, consolidating an overall vision for the Town Hall area, including the Town Hall, major educational and sports facilities, as well as structuring public spaces, represents a unique opportunity. This initiative aims to strengthen the center’s vocation by bringing together a number of project dynamics:

  • Development of services and facilities
  • Densification and renewal of the housing offer
  • Requalification and renaturation of public spaces
Methodological support

At the interface between preliminary studies and projects still at the reflection stage, setec organisation provides the city with invaluable methodological support. This support aims to improve understanding of the urban issues at stake and consolidate a coherent vision for the future of the area.

Clarification of Programmatic Ambitions

Thanks to this assistance, the commune has been able to clarify its programmatic ambitions by drawing up a structured strategy. This involves redefining the perimeter of the town center (uses, landmarks, identity) and a rationale of functional complementarities.


For further


setec organisation showcases climate resilience solutions at COP16 Riyadh


Bus Entre Seine project: towards smoother mobility in north-west Ile-de-France


Jazan territorial strategy: planning for sustainable development