Cities and Regions

As a project management expert, setec organisation supports cities and regions in their ecological transition, putting people at the heart of projects.

Committing to the ecological transition, strengthening resilience, and promoting regeneration through new ways of building, living and getting around, are all challenges facing local authorities. Against this backdrop of profound transitions, setec organisation supports them in thinking new ways of conceptualizing cities.

Our actions cover...

Urban regeneration

We support the urban regeneration of cities and regions, helping to define and monitor socially useful and environmentally responsible projects:

  • Renewal of city centers and intermediate areas
  • Intensification of train station districts
  • Urban renewal of strategic and prioritised neighborhoods
  • Operations in concerted development zones
  • Brownfield redevelopment
  • Intensification of economic zones
  • Land-saving strategies
  • Mobilizing innovative tools
Energy transition and decarbonization

setec organisation supports public and private players in their strategies and operational projects for energy transition and decarbonization.

  • Territorial decarbonization strategy
  • Strategic climate assets plan
  • Asset energy renovation
  • Solarization of assets
Resilience of Cities and Regions

We support cities and regions in their resilience diagnostics, strategies, and action plans.

  • Coastal erosion
  • Heat and schoolyards
  • Water and territories
  • Pedagogy and commitment
  • Territorial systemic analysis of climate vulnerability
  • Integrated strategies and action plans for resilience

They trust us

  • logo-anct
  • logo-unionsocialepourlhabitat
  • logo-communautdagglomrationdupays-basque
  • logo-coutancesmetetbocage
  • logo-banquedesterritoires
  • logo-seminnovia
  • logo-grandparisgrandest
  • logo-action-logement

Our projects

Bukhara Master Plan

Strategic development plan for the Zahle District

Nablus Boulevard

More than ever, cities and regions are at the forefront of the challenges of our time. How do we plan cities in the era of climate change? How can we move towards sober development, organized around low-carbon mobility, and rethink the city’s relationship with nature? What are today’s responses to the housing crisis and territorial reindustrialization? And how can we reconcile ecological transition and social justice, so that the necessary changes become an opportunity to live better in the city? These are complex challenges. We can provide answers, thanks to a high-caliber, multidisciplinary team. The major challenge is to make the right diagnoses, to take a systemic approach to each specific situation, and then to propose the best operational and concrete solutions to help you take action.

Alexis Mariani Director of Cities and Regions - setec organisation

Your contacts

Alexis Mariani

Executive Vice President, Cities & Regions Director

Karim Aït-Ali

Deputy Director, Cities & Regions business unit