

Preservation strategy for the sector classified as word heritage by UNESCO

The government has appointed the French consortium Willmote/setec/Deloitte/IPR/RCH to carry out the project.

Within the consortium, setec was specifically in charge of taking into account the development of the entire territory of Bukhara to ensure increased coherence with the conservation objectives of the historic center.

The heritage assets of the City being exceptional, the project must consider in an integrated manner the rehabilitation and tourist programming with the need to maintain or improve the social-economic balances which guarantee balanced development at the service of the inhabitants.

Synergies between planned uses and urban services (transport, networks, drinking water, wastewater, waste) must also be designed to ensure lasting and fair heritage conservation

Ours services for Bukhara Master Plan

Our mission is to develop a master plan for the region of Bukhara, with a focus on the preservation of the sector classified as a UNESCO cultural heritage site.

Our approach consists of understanding the particularities of the territory through a thorough diagnostic of the urban fabric as well as the social, economic and environmental layers. This permits to identify key challenges and opportunities and to integrate them in our approach to territorial planning.

Addressing global issues through design is a priority for us, and we do so by putting people and the environment at the heart of our concerns, addressing climate change issues and increasing resilience, ensuring global coherence of the territorial strategy, considering different scales when designing and developing a strategy or a project.

Our approach to developing a reasonable methodology is divided into three phases:

  • Phase 1 involves gathering all available documentation and data, and engaging in a thorough and extensive consultation process with all relevant stakeholders.
  • Phase 2 will result in a broad, multidisciplinary vision of the overall master plan for the Old Town.
  • Phase 3 will result in a more detailed master plan, underpinned by urban planning regulations and a detailed master plan for a selected pilot project (to be defined at a later date).


  • Heritage conservation and rehabilitation
  • Balanced socio-economic development
  • Synergies and urban resilience

Key figures

2,000 years ago
Founding of Bukhara

267 000

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